Wednesday, July 30, 2008

welcome to my blog

So... My Dad is on my list to receive an email every time I post. And in my email inbox this is what he had sent in reply to yesterday's post:

The subject header was "welcome to my blog"

"hello everybody welcome to my blog. I decided to start my own blog
after reading my daughter Cassidy's blog. Blogs can be so much fun. I
will talk about all kinds of things and try not to confuse or bore
anyone. Today I want to talk about McDonald's. I love McDonald's don't
you. I love the fries. I like them when I order combinations and I tell
them "GO LARGE" it is so exciting you need to be there. How about the
Big Macs (wow) they are great.......try not to put too much salt on
them though. I love getting my own can actually hear
the ice hitting your cup .........neat!........I prefer Coca-Cola
regular, but sometimes I mix diet with regular if they are not I bad or I love sitting in McDonald's
don't you. I wonder sometimes what Ronald McDonald's house must be like.
I bet its I bet he is so cool. I wonder if he has seen
Batman? does he watch the Mole? wow how neat. I could go on and on but
I guess I should try to find a life of some kind huh? wow how
deep............... welcome to my blog that's all from my world. Tomorrow
I might talk about pizza.....hope you can join gotta to go."

P.S. Dad I loved your post. It was hilarious. After reading my cheeks hurt from laughing. But that should teach you because now I have posted it on my blog! :) Ha ha ha ha ha (imagine that in an evil laugh). Love you Dad-